What is TEXAF Bilembo?
TEXAF BILEMBO is an atypical cultural and educational space inaugurated on November 4, 2013 in a disused textile factory building of over 1,000m². Imagined by Chantal Tombu, an art historian specializing in African art, and Alain Huart, a writer and photographer in love with the Congo, TEXAF BILEMBO aims to introduce audiences to the natural and cultural heritages of the DRC.
The company TEXAF is the founder and main sponsor of TEXAF BILEMBO. This cultural space of reference in Kinshasa could not have existed without the support of TEXAF, which made available the building that houses it as well as the secure parking lot. TEXAF also supports school visits and enables the educational team to provide 6000 educational workshops each year to students from partner schools. It is this partnership that underpins its identity and the success of the site.
Why do we support them?
TEXAF BILEMBO welcomes students and educates them, through thematic workshops, about their cultural roots (Bilembo means traces or imprints in Lingala), the country’s agricultural resources, the plant and animal biodiversity of the parks and forests, and the challenge of sustainable development.
The space and its pedagogical workshops are also aimed at specialized target audiences and agents of change: artists, teachers, education inspectors, journalists, environmental NGOs, farmers’ organizations, college and masters students.
At the same time, we are proud to support TEXAF Bilembo, a local organization that works tirelessly to promote environmental education in the DRC. By partnering with TEXAF Bilembo, we hope to amplify their efforts and help them achieve their mission of creating a more sustainable future for the people and wildlife of the DRC.
What is the main objective of this project?
Together with the Texaf Bilembo team, we have identified the need to strengthen the educational classes and have a greater reach and impact.
We are therefore proud to announce our support for TEXAF Bilembo’s educational game that aims to promote the protection of the forest and its inhabitants in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The game is based on the book SOS Planet Congo and will provide an innovative and engaging way for young people in the DRC to learn about the importance of protecting their environment.
By supporting the development of this game, we hope to provide youth with an alternative to traditional classroom learning that will not only be more engaging, but will also have a greater reach and impact. We believe that this game will be an effective tool to educate and empower youth about the importance of environmental protection.
We look forward to seeing the impact this game will have and to continuing to support TEXAF Bilembo and other organizations working to promote environmental education and conservation in the DRC.